Original Pieces

Through many years of study, David has mastered traditional woodworking techniques and uses these techniques in order to create original pieces in the spirit of those who developed them. He hopes to keep the art form alive through his boxes and other original creations.

Painted and Finished Boxes

The top photo shows painted slide-top and document boxes, while the bottom photo displays finished and inlaid boxes.

White Pine Chest

This chest, unpainted and made of white pine, displays classic dovetailing technique.

Shelves and Lazy Susans

Whale back shelves and lazy susans make great Maine-made gifts.



White pine with marigold milk paint with forest green banding and yellow and red striping. Walnut top with yellow striping. Period sandwich glass knob.



White pine with red milk paint and yellow striping. Deer Isle granite top, birds eye maple edge. Period brass handle.

Mixing Table

White pine with ivory paint and green striping. Deer Isle granite top with birds eye maple edge and red cedar drawer bottom.